Elie Krawczyk


LeWeb09, Day 1


P1030720I will remember the day 1 as a “Twitter” day.

LeWeb opened directly with an important demonstration from Twitter founder Jack Dorsey, about a new product to pay with your phone with an application called Square. He was a victim of demo effect; he needed 10 times to be able to make a payment with his phone payment system. This system is quite impressive.  Jack Dorsey said that they should be able to offer the device for free because they would get something in return when people are using the application. Their business model is to get money from the transaction and offer one cent for each transaction to charity. Since price is usually a big part of success this would already guarantee a minimum amount of success.

Ryan Saver (an accurate name), Director of Platform of Twitter, was there to make some announcements (video). He said they were focused to provide a more unify and simple API. “In a couple of weeks” they will release a website dedicated to develop with the Twitter’s API. This should simplify the integration of twitter to any website but also the application’s developing.

Twitter will host their first conference for developer in 2010 in San Francisco.  More information will come in this website : chirp.twitter.com

I was also attending Twitter workshop about their own API, even if I am not developer I was quite amazed about the possibility of that.

Of course Twitter was not the only thing interesting during this first day; Orange announced that they will launch their own app store for mobile. They really want to control more and more the content.

Marissa Mayer Vice President of Search Product and User Experience at Google talked about Google’s strategy and Internet in general (video). She said: “Speed MUST be No 1 priority for any site or service. Kill features for speed”. Well, not really surprise to hear that from a Googler. This is to remind us to stay focused on speed when making websites.

Besides that, very good talk with other participants, very good food… As you know what happens in the backstage in these kinds of conferences is sometimes even more important than what it’s “on”.

That’s it for the most interesting things of the Day 1


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